The Scam - From Harshad Mehta To Ketan Parekh
Author : Debashis Basu & Sucheta Dalal
Publisher : Ken Source
Language : English
Paperback : 378 pages
ISBN : 81-88154-09-1
WE had initially followed the scam while working for The Times of India and Business Today. The book partly .derives its material from scores of interviews with most of the players who were directly or indirectly part of the scam, mainly top brokers and top bank officials. Overcoming their initial circumspection about talking to the press while the scam investigation was on, they eventually gave us a lot of their time to discuss, clarify and share important documents that helped our writing. Our deepest gratitude is to these numerous knowledgeable anonymous sources. Many others helped a lot by way of crucial information, introductions, and their moral support, but unfortunately, they too cannot be named.
Finally, this is the place to record our inestimable debt to our prime source, a wonderful human being and now a dear friend and guide. He cannot unfortunately be identified (our notes and conversations unimaginatively refer to him as Deep Throat) because he is a part of the securities business himself. Our understanding of the complex transactions, the nature of the players, the specific deals and confidential conversations between top officials were all derived from the long hours he has so generously spent with us in nondescript restaurants in the suburbs, dropping us home in the dead of night and then driving back into town. Without Deep Throat's help, this book, and much of the reporting we have done earlier, would have been inconceivable.
This book was a bestseller in 1992-93 when it was published first. For seven years the book has been out-of-print while we have had innumerable requests for a copy. It was then printed again in 2001 under the KenSource imprint after extensive revisions and additions (The Scam of 2001). That edition too has sold out. Encouraged by the continued demand we have come out with a third expanded edition of the book now In this effort, as in the earlier edition, we have received invaluable guidance, help and encouragement from the late TN Shanbhag, owner of The Strand Book Stall in Mumbai, an institution by himself, who spent a lifetime pursuing his mission to widen the reading habits. The book has also benefited immensely from the editing expertise of i Dr. Nita Mukherjee who generously spent hours minutely reading, proofing and closely interacting with the printer, as also of Shailendra Lotlikar and Harshali Bhoir of KenSource who have helped with editing, proofing and coordination.

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